The quickest way to have more peace in daily life is to develop a spiritual practice for yourself. I took part in a couple of spiritual practices, from Christianity to ancestor altars and tarot cards. It is interesting to learn about different religions, pantheons, and deities. I dedicated time to learning about Caribbean Spiritualities, developing an admiration for the beauty and power of these spiritual practices rooted in resistance. Spirituality offers more flexibility than most people recognize, with many examples of spiritual practices to choose from.
The decision to embrace a spiritual practice does not require you to convert from one religion to another. Instead, do what resonates with you naturally. Identifying the reason behind your spiritual practice is key; for instance, my daily practice is to ground myself (decrease stress), foster a deeper connection with God, and align with my highest self and intuition.
Reading Religious or Spiritual Text
Set time aside to study a spiritual system or religion. Write your interpretation of the text and how you can apply the principles to your life. Evaluate your life and the text, and make adjustments in areas that you are out of alignment.
Prayer is how I learned how to express gratitude in adulthood. When I was a child, I thought prayer was only for requesting the material things I wanted. When we pray, it connects us with a higher power and instills peace in our hearts. Feel Free to say prayers aloud or internally. Alternatively, repeating mantras is also prayer. Whether you make petitions or set intentions, what’s most important is that you are making a habit of a daily spiritual practice.
There are many ways that you can meditate. In the beginning, keep it simple and short. Make it a moment, light a candle, and have your tea. Find a comfortable space in your house to sit. Start meditating with deep breaths and watch your thoughts pass by, good or bad. Feel your breath in your body. When you start, keep the meditation short until you notice your mind being more at ease, then increase the duration. If you need examples of gratitude check out Alex Elle’s gratitude newsletter
When we keep focus on what we are most grateful for every day, it’s easier to use when life is hard. Gratitude increases positive emotions and wellness. Some people write the things that they are grateful for while journaling. I write the things I am grateful for and what I feel gratitude for. If you feel journaling is not for you, there are many gratitude apps on the market.
Alters are a personal space. Find a place in your house that is just for you. You will need a white tablecloth, a candle, a cup of water, a plant, and pictures of loved ones you had a good, healthy relationship with. Present your candle to the four corners north, south, east, and west. Set up your altar and say a prayer. Ancestor Alter are sacred practices for many BIPOC communities, have reverence for this spiritual practice take the time to learn more.
My hope for you is that you build a daily spiritual practice that suits your life and brings you peace and joy. Start by setting aside 15 minutes a day to stack your habits. This means to combine them with other habits. For example, add it to the morning routine while you drink coffee, go on a daily walk, or at night before bed.